The Benefits of Blogging Today

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The Benefits of Blogging TodayGenerated by DALL-E / ChatGPT

AsPlanned is going to have a unique approach to blogging. Free, fun, and without ads. Join us as we explore technologies, share tutorials, and embrace content freedom!

Not the usual blog

Welcome to We are a team of experts that are developing a new, hopefully revolutionary, Planner (think of it as a Calendar, Reminder, To-do list all in one). But to develop something from scratch takes time. We realized that we need to communicate our progress and we want to share our expertise. That's why we are writing a Blog. This is not unusual, but the way we are gonna do, is gonna be somehow opposite of what a usual 'company' Blog is today.
Let's first give you some pointers:
  • This Blog is gonna be 'FREE'. And we mean this in the broader sense. There will never be Ads, there are no tracking cookies, and if you subscribe to our Newsletter, you are gonna receive 1-2 emails per month (at most). If you don't want to be bothered, our unsubscribe process is pretty straightforward and clear (worst case you can send us an email). Even if you like our content, but you don't want to subscribe, you can just use our RSS feed (Yeah! that still exists).
  • We won't talk only about our App. As we said, we are building an App, but it's not all we want to talk about. We think in life there is so much more interaction and things that are worth exploring. So our Blog posts are not gonna be just about our App, the new features or the 13 different ways you can do the same thing. We actually think, and this might be revolutionary, that it should also be some fun. So sometimes we will talk about technologies we like, or cool scripts we work on. But we won't be shy to share our preferred Tutorials or Videos, or even tools we think are nice. Overall we would like you to subscribe to our Blog if it enriches your life, if it makes yoy be like That's a nice thing to talk about.

Why this 'weird' strategy?

We are very realistic and practical people. We know that a new App needs some traffic, and not all the traffic can be paid one. And also we genuinely like the idea to share more than just what our App can do. We are planning to publish one-two articles per month. And we wish to have some organic traffic that is just beyond 'our App is good at planning'. But as we started thinking about what to Blog about we realized some things that make the idea even more appealing:
  • Blogs are dead - With Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.), at the beginning, Blogs had a channel to share content with friends, users or customers. And that was great, everybody was happy. But then Social Media built their platforms always more and more closed, and understood that they can be the one holding the content (doesn't matter if it's your video, photo or text), and that content has a monetary value. It takes you probably some time to make quality content. And meanwhile it's true that many platforms allow you to monetize it, once you ONLY produce content that lives on their platform, you are at their mercy and you implicitly force your users to be on the same platform. That's a sort of breach of trust. One example? Before Twitter allowed everybody to use their API and incorporate their Tweets with a nice box inside any website. Since Elon Musk has taken over, many of these features have been 'closed' and now if you want to read a tweet, you need to be registered or even when you can read it, at every interaction you are reminded to register. And Twitter is not the only one doing this: Social Media has created an 'alternative' Internet that exists only inside a proprietary platform, and you can see some (very little) of the content on the more open Internet, the same way you can see only the outside leaves of a tree, but not its branches.
  • Content is King - And from this point of view, content, any content, is valuable. It's not only valuable because it probably costs you time and effort to produce it, but it's also a value for the community: people can come across your content, and be enriched by it. It can help them with a problem, or just make them have a good time (especially if you produce art, music and so on). So why should this value be wasted on someone else's platform? They can change the rules anytime, to monetize your work and cripple your audience. Also even producing little content (one post or one 'thing' per month) can have a great effect. In a couple of years you are gonna have a portfolio of content that can just keep growing steadily. And if the content is yours, you don't need to squeeze every ounce of monetization out of it, you can just produce it at your own pace and if you earn something, all the better.
  • Be Different - In the age of AI and LLM, a lot of things are gonna change, both in the way we consume and produce content, how our jobs will be different and so on. To be honest many job interview processes will be worthless, many jobs will be made redundant and in the middle of all of that, you'll need to make yourself unique and valuable. And what better way than producing something about stuff you know, with your experience and your thoughts? That will make you stand apart from all the rest? This might seem 'silly' but soon there will be virtual influencers and automated code generation, and AIs that will produce Art or Music on demand. It's time for you (and for us) to take back your own content.


Overall we don't think our Blog is gonna be anything particularly revolutionary, but we like the idea that if you land on it, you will be able to read it and enjoy it in the best way. No unwanted popups, ads, trackers and so on. Nobody will force you to Subscribe to our Newsletter or to our App. You can read the content and just leave and we are both gonna be fine. But we wish you will want to spend time with us, maybe try our App, maybe telling us what you would like our App to do: we do value suggestions and criticisms. And we wish that maybe you will start producing your own thing too: Internet is a beautiful aggregation of content, and it can only be enriched by more people sharing what they do and what they like.
Published: Monday, May 13, 2024, 09:36 AM - Updated: Wednesday, May 22, 2024, 09:23 AM

Our Editorial Team writes about Change-logs, App development, and articles related to the best ways to use our App.

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